This page deals with the question of how to classify the Acadēmīa dictionary entries. The creation of the page seemed necessary to ensure a consistent categorization. As always, the list is not complete. Changes/extensions/interpretation can still be freely discussed.
- Entries should be sorted by thematic and grammatical aspects, entries with English lemma under "English lemma" and entries with Latin lemma under "Latin lemma". Every Lemma should receive at least one category. This includes redirects.
- Since, this is an English-Latin dictionary and not a Latin-English dictionary thematic categories (e.g. Category:Fascism) should only be assigned to English Lemmata.
- Categories should always be in the singular unless the singular form does not exist or is not in common use. Furthermore they should always be capitalized.
- Categories should help the reader to navigate through the dictionary. It is important to avoid bias. Categories that give the impression of making a political statement are inadmissible and should be avoided.
- Categories collecting pages from prefixed namespaces should be created with the respective namespace. (e.g. Category:Template:Markup not Category:Markup)
Maintenance categories
Internal maintenance categories such as Category:Entry needing references are automatically set with the template Copy edit
Countries, states and (sub)national entities
- Universally recognized states or members of the United Nations belong to the category of Category:State
- States which have existed historically should be classified under.
- Political entities that are only partially recognized but have characteristics of a state (such as Republic of China) shall be classified under Category:Partially recognized state.
- Subnational entities are to be classified under Category:Administrative division. They can further be specified, e.g. Saarland can be classified under Category:Federal state (Germany).
- Types of states or subnational entities (e.g., puppet state, federal state) do not belong in Category:State or Category:Administrative division because they are not concrete states or administrative divisions. Instead, these should be placed in their own categories (such as Category:Type of administrative division).